We work closely with different partners from the development sector, with policy makers in the countries where we operate, with the private sector, as well as with investors and financiers whose aim is to advance the rural electrification sector.
Development Partners
Our clients include various development banks, the United Nations and multi- and bilateral development cooperation institutions whose tasks include promoting sustainable development of rural areas through the implementation of innovative strategies and rural electrification projects.
Policy Makers
In many countries we work directly or indirectly with policy makers in energy and finance ministries, regulators and rural electrification authorities to help provide the necessary legal and regulatory frameworks for the creation of minigrid markets.
We support minigrid companies to reduce their operating costs and local and regional processing industries to gain control over their rural supply chains by operating mini-grids through the use of digitalisation and accompanying consultancy.
Investors & Financiers
We work with banks, impact funds, crowdlending platforms and corporations, conducting due diligence on minigrid projects on their behalf in preparation for their investments or refining their minigrid market strategies.