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We perform detailed system design and parameterization of power systems, integrate customised system controls based on our microcontroller operated platforms, and provide documentation with technical circuit diagrams and installation manuals for our customers as we do for our own minigrid projects.

We support private project developers and public organisations in the development of tender documents such as technical specifications and BoQs specifically adapted for minigrids, in the evaluation of tenders and in procuring the power generation and distribution components from international and local markets.

We offer complete EPC solutions, including the design and supply of complete minigrid systems, as well as the installation and test operation of components such as solar PV, wind, battery, diesel generator and low and medium voltage distribution networks. This is accompanied by respective training modules offered by us.


We transform the rural electrification sector by advising on policy, regulation and financing, developing innovative business models and providing technology transfer.

Policy, Regulation & Financing

Minigrid markets can only emerge if the necessary policy and regulatory frameworks as well as adapted financing mechanisms are created. With our advisory services, we support policy makers, development institutions and donors in the development and implementation of appropriate frameworks and programmes.

Market research is often the basis for developing optimised programmes and successful projects. We conduct in-depth survey to determine the viability of sector-wide minigrid programmes by donors or individual minigrid projects by private developers.

We work directly with energy ministries and regulators of national electricity markets in the development of policies and dedicated minigrid regulations and actively support their implementation deploying our technical, economic and legal experts.

We support international donors in developing funding programmes and mechanisms for individual, sector-wide, regional or multinational minigrid projects, including procurement concepts, tender evaluations and grant allocations.

Business models

Based on the development and testing of innovative business models with our subsidiaries in Senegal, Tanzania and Uganda, we support private minigrid developers in optimising their business models and implementing their operating strategies, as well as investors in evaluating the economic viability of minigrid companies as investment opportunities.

We support companies that are new to or already active in the market in developing or optimising their business models and implementing pilot or scale-up projects. Our support covers the entire minigrid project cycle, from site analysis, financial modelling, system design, to procurement and system build.

We provide minigrid operators with tools that enable them to optimise their operational processes, reduce operating costs and thus increase the profitability of their businesses. For this, we apply tools such as our MicroPowerManager and other solutions developed by our IT department.

On behalf of international investors, we carry out technical and economic due diligences of existing minigrid companies and planned projects in order to determine the expected profitability, identify risks and discover new potentials.

Technology transfer

We support the development of electrification markets in general and individual minigrid developers and projects in particular through knowledge and technology transfer. With our electro-mechanical workshop and laboratory, we provide valuable technical expertise and trainings covering all aspects of the minigrid and renewable energy system value chains.

We perform detailed system design and parameterization of power systems, integrate customised system controls based on our microcontroller operated platforms, and provide documentation with technical circuit diagrams and installation manuals for our customers as we do for our own minigrid projects.

We support private project developers and public organisations in the development of tender documents such as technical specifications and BoQs specifically adapted for minigrids, in the evaluation of tenders and in procuring the power generation and distribution components from international and local markets.

We offer complete EPC solutions, including the design and supply of complete minigrid systems, as well as the installation and test operation of components such as solar PV, wind, battery, diesel generator and low and medium voltage distribution networks. This is accompanied by respective training modules offered by us.


We develop and apply cutting-edge software solutions and artificial intelligence to change business models and provide new revenue and value-producing opportunities.
Click on the tabs below to find out more.

The MicroPowerManager Open Source is an all-in one software platform that greatly simplifies the operation of minigrids. It makes it easy for operators to manage their customers, revenues and assets and to monitor their business with real time revenue and asset data visualization while keeping control of their data.
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We apply Artificial Intelligence and Stochastic Optimisation with the aim of making the operation and maintenance of minigrids more efficient.

We develop customized digital, web-based solutions that enable regulators, donors, development institutions or others to get the overview they need of the sector, a project or a specific energy system.

We have developed a concept to overcome demand risk enabling any minigrid to generate reliable cash flows at low investment costs. Decentralised AI controlled crypto miners convert surplus electricity into cryptocurrency. Check out our video below for further explanation.

Rural Industrialisation

We invent new concepts to unlock development and revenue potential by embedding minigrids in value chains of rural communities.

We have developed the KeyMaker Model as a tool for identifying and unlocking the economic potential of rural communities. These retain control over their natural resources and enable processing companies to reduce costs by decentralising their processing structures. By using electricity from minigrids, locally available raw materials are processed on site in such a way that they can be sold as a qualitatively superior product with greatly reduced transport costs on supraregional markets.

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The Tanzanian company JUMEME, which we co-founded, is one of the world’s largest solar minigrid companies with approx. 10,000 connections. In minigrids operated by JUMEME on islands in Lake Victoria, we tested and further developed the first KeyMaker Model based on fish farming and trading.

In partnership with

Co-funded by


The Ugandan company VOLT-TERRA, which we co-founded, is applying a KeyMaker Model in an agricultural value chain for the first time. By using electricity from the minigrids operated by VOLT-TERRA, we process and market locally grown vanilla and chilli based on a block-farming approach.

In partnership with

Co-funded by


We work closely with different partners from the development sector, with policy makers in the countries where we operate, with the private sector, as well as with investors and financiers whose aim is to advance the rural electrification sector.

Development Partners

Our clients include various development banks, the United Nations and multi- and bilateral development cooperation institutions whose tasks include promoting sustainable development of rural areas through the implementation of innovative strategies and rural electrification projects.

Policy Makers

In many countries we work directly or indirectly with policy makers in energy and finance ministries, regulators and rural electrification authorities to help provide the necessary legal and regulatory frameworks for the creation of minigrid markets.


We support minigrid companies to reduce their operating costs and local and regional processing industries to gain control over their rural supply chains by operating mini-grids through the use of digitalisation and accompanying consultancy.

Investors & Financiers

We work with banks, impact funds, crowdlending platforms and corporations, conducting due diligence on minigrid projects on their behalf in preparation for their investments or refining their minigrid market strategies.

We are always looking for new partners to accelerate sustainable electrification. Please reach out should you wish to work with us.

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