Impressum – Legal Notice

This imprint refers to our internet presentation according to §5 TMG, German Law:

Postal address:
Am Stollen 19D
38640 Goslar

Telephone: +49 (0) 5321 38271 0
Fax: +49 (0) 5321 38271 99
e-mail: info(at)
VAT No.: DE243326538
Trade register: Braunschweig HRB 111530

Managing director: Dipl.-Ing. Nico Peterschmidt


Content of hyperlinks and »partnerlinks«
Our offer includes links leading to external web sites from third parties, which content we cannot influence and that we do not adopt as our own. We do have checked those links at the moment we established them. We did not realize any actions against the law by then. A permanent check of links without disposing of apparent clues of unlawful acts is not realisable.
Due to this reason we do not grant any warranties with respect to contents of such links as mentioned. In case of getting knowledge of acts against the law, we will investigate the matter and remove these links promptly if suspicion is confirmed.

The operator of these sites is endeavoured to respect the third parties’ copy rights or to use self-made or licensed works. Furthermore, all contents and works of our internet presentation are subject to the copy right. Articles contributed by third parties are marked accordingly. Any copy, as if only abridgments, or editing, distribution and any way of processing are subject to our approval or the related author. Downloads and copies of our sites are allowed for private and non-commercial use only.

Data protection
INENSUS observes within its business the provisions of data protection.
We disagree expressly that contact data which have been published within the frame of this internet presentation are used by third parties through sending advertisements and information which we did not ask for. The operators of this internet presentation reserve the right of legal action in case of receiving advertisements i. e. SPAM mails without having expressly asked for beforehand.

Interested in learning more about us?
Simply send us an email and we'll get back to you asap.